Using the Xbox 360 big button USB controllers in Google Chrome Apps and Games

I've just added a new example project to the Xbox 360 Big Button Controller Library. This example shows how to use the custom USB driver directly from within the Google Chrome web browser.

The example code can be found under the Examples/ChromeApp directory in the project GitHub repository.

The Chrome App

The App/Extension is just intended as a proof of concept and is not production ready. It is missing error handling and a clean closing and releasing of the device when closed (currently the device must be manually unplugged from the computer to reset it after using the extension).

The app however shows how to load a local USB device into Google Chrome using the USB API, connect and continuously poll it for data.

This is an unpackaged extension so you need to load it up using the Developer Mode in the chrome://extensions page.

The example requires version 41 of Chrome or newer (current release is version 47).

More information regarding the USB API in Chrome can be found on Be warned, all of the documentation you will find from Google is slightly out of date with the current state of this API. It took a few hours of crying and cursing to get this to work properly.

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